On March 25th, almost two weeks after Michigan schools closed and one day after the statewide stay-at-home order began in response to COVID-19, RAWK launched the Quarantine Anthology Project:
“Hello RAWKstars! We hope you are all settling in, taking care, and staying creative during the school closure! We’re all in the same situation. Stuck at home, missing our school routines, and our friends. And we don’t know what to expect next, so we have to wait. Now is a great time to write and create, of course! Not only will you keep your skills sharp, but writing about these uncertain times could help get through these next few weeks with kindness, empathy, and gratitude.”
Of course these challenges extended far beyond the lost end of the 2019–2020 school year, and so we have continued to press on.
The Kalamazoo Poetry Festival pulled together an amazing two day virtual festival with the theme, “From The Wreckage”. RAWK released a collection of poetry written by youth since the beginning of the state and country response to the COVID health crisis, the police riots, and revolutionary uprisings.
We’re RAWKing!
Find a time to visit by
calling 269 – 743 – 7005
or emailing info@readandwritekzoo.org